Two Personas
Persona #1
Anna Anderson

- Millenial - 29 years old - San Diego, California
- Young Professional - Recruiter
- She is looking for a new apartment to move into.
- Her home is her office.
- She is tech savvy and knows how to look for what she's in search of.
- Anna works from home and is looking for an apartment that fits her criteria.
- She also is looking for furniture, as well as other things, that would help with moving or spruce up her new space.
Persona #2
Joe Conway

- Baby boomer - 69 years old, Fort Collins, Colorado
- Retired
- He is looking to post an ad to sell his recliner chair
- Has a new recliner on the way
- Isn't super efficient with technology, but knows how to navigate the web
- Joe is looking to sell his old recliner in order to make room for his new recliner
- He is a user that is posting an ad for others to search for