Moderator Script
Introduction - Preparing Participant
- Hi/hello.. How are you today?
- Do you mind if I use your first name?
- Thank you, Hi *NAME*.
- Well I want to start off by saying thank you for agreeing to participate in the study of this website.
- The purpose of this study is to establish the usability of this website. In other words, is the website user friendly?
- From this study, I might notice changes that would improve this website. I might also note good or beneficial qualities of the website as well.
- In this study, you are the user. Please know that this isn’t a test on your abilities. There are no wrong answers. This is testing the website, not you.
- When I’m done explaining everything, I’ll give you a brief questionnaire. Then I will ask you to do tasks. When you’re finished, I will follow up with a questionnaire afterwards.
- The main focus is to speak your thought process out loud. I’ll give you a task, for example, “find the search bar” and you talk about how you go about finding it.
- Does that make sense?
- Our thought process is usually mostly in our heads, so it might be weird to say your thoughts out loud, but do the best you can.
- When I ask you to do a task, I actually want you to go through the motions. For example, if I ask you to create a post or an ad, I want you to actually do or attempt to do it. Does that make sense?
- Also I am here if you get stuck or have a question or need clarification. Does that sound okay?
- I may or may not ask you questions throughout the process if needed.
- Are you ready to begin?
Pre-test Questionnaire
- Let’s start with the questionnaire.
- The website you'll be testing is Craigslist and I’m just going to ask you about your experience with it.
- Have you ever used Craigslist?
- If so, what for?
- Do you think it is something you would (use) (continue to use) in the future?
- Thanks for answering those.
- I am sending you the website link. Let me know if it’s working.
- Now I’m going to start giving you your tasks.
Tasks - The Study
- Find Denver’s craigslist page
- Find where you would go if you wanted to buy some books.
- Now go back to Denver’s main page
- Find where you would go if you’re looking for a government job
- Now find a one bedroom home for rent?
- Can you find one that is under $2,000 and is dog friendly?
- Now go back to Denver’s main page
- Find where you would go if you were looking for garage sales
- You are wanting to sell your monopoly board game. Create a post that lists it for 5$
- You can use my email -
- Great, go to the initial craigslist page, the MAIN craigslist page (not Denver)
- Now go to Las Vegas, Nevada
- Find the “pets” discussion forum
- Search for “bird”
- Great, go back to the las vegas page
- Find where you would go if you wanted to buy “health” and “beauty” products
- Find where you would go if you wanted to post an accounting job
- You want to add one more thing into the job description, go back to that page so you can add the information
- Find where you would go if you want to read Craigslists “privacy policy”
- Find where you would go if you want to see what is listed for “free”
- Great, now lets change our location from Las Vegas to Rapid City
- Find where you would look for a temp or temporary job
- You want to sell your recliner chair. Create a post that lists it for 100$
- You are needing a plumber to come to the house, where would you look for a plumber?
- You are looking for a vacation rental for your upcoming trip. Where would you go to find that?
- Where would you find local activities in Rapid City.
- Find where you would post something for free.
- Find where you would go if you wanted to know anything that is happening on the 18th of May.
- For our last task, find where you would go if you wanted to change this website's language.
Post-test Questionnaire
- How do you feel about Craigslist after this study?
- Did you find the tasks easy or difficult?
- How do you feel about the appearance of the website?
- Do you think it functions well or in other words, is easy to use?
- Is there anything you enjoyed about Craigslist?
- Is there anything you didn’t like?
- Would you ever use Craigslist in the future?
We have finished the study. I want to thank you again *NAME* for participating in this study. You did a great job! Have a great rest of your day!